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Domestic Violence Fact 6

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Effects of
Domestic Violence

People who have experienced violence have a hard time trusting.

People who have experienced violence spend their lives in fear.

People who have experienced violence relived this violence over and over again.

The emotional and physical abuse scars a person for a lifetime.

People who have experienced violence are constantly loosing jobs.

"It's very common for men who beat women to threaten to kill them. You have situations, one where the man told a woman, 'I'll kill you and cut you up in pieces and feed you to the pigs,' or I'll kill you and bury you out in Swanson's swamp and nobody will ever find you.' The death threats become very frightening because of the situation. It'' very plausible."

Chuck Derry, Gender Violence Institute,

This happened to a young woman living in Michigan. Her boyfriend murdered her and fed her body to his dogs.